Video Doorbells and Security Cameras

Tamarynd Place is a condo community.  The exterior of each building is owned by the Association, not a single Resident.  Any apparatus that is being considered for attachment to the exterior of the Building MUST have an ARC submitted for Approval and Final approval provided prior to installation.

Video Doorbells are allowed AFTER submission of an ARC form and approval of same.  ARC forms can be found on the website under the tab “forms.”  Ring and Nest Brands of video doorbells are approved by the Board of Directors.  No other brand may be substituted without Board discussion and approval.

Security Camera’s are not approved for installation.  If a Resident feels a security camera is needed, an ARC form must be submitted for approval.  The ARC form must contain the following information:  Brand, wired/wireless, and location.

The Board has approved the use of video doorbells manufactured and marketed under the following brands: RING NEST The Resident must submit an ARC application for approval prior to installation. Please remember that the entire Association owns the exterior of the buildings, not a single Resident. For this reason, the Board must approve any apparatus being considered for attachment to the exterior of the building. ARC forms are available on the website for download. Please go to and click on the “forms” tab.

The Board of Directors


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